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vue cli "live build" folder for chrome extension

I'm making an extension and using npm run build (with vue cli) to make my option page. I need to interact with So for now every change I need to make a new build and then test it in the extension.

It would be nice to have some "live build folder"

I can use esbuild or esbuild-vue, but with Vuetify on my project I cant get it working

For now I'm using esbuild-vue:

const vuePlugin = require('esbuild-vue');

    entryPoints: ['main.js'],
    bundle: true,
    outfile: 'out.js',
    plugins: [vuePlugin()],
    watch: {
        onRebuild(error, result) {
            if (error) console.error('watch build failed:', error)
            else console.log('watch build succeeded:', result)
    define: {
        "process.env.NODE_ENV": JSON.stringify("development"),


  • Ok, Vuetify 3 (Alpha) + Vite is working for me.


    For an example project you can clone:


    First setup a new project vue create my-app with vuetify vue add vuetify

    Then choose:

    ? Choose a preset: (Use arrow keys)
      Default (recommended)
    > Preview (Vuetify 3 + Vite) 
      Prototype (rapid development)
      V3 (alpha)
      Configure (advanced)

    Now edit the vite.config.js and add build and base:

    export default defineConfig({
      build: {
        outDir: "extension/options"
      base: "options"

    Now you have setup folders front-end and webextension like this:

    extension  (extension )
      |-- manifest.json
      |--- options (build output front-end)
    src (front-end options)

    Now you can have you're package.json like this:

      "scripts": {
            "watch": "vite build --watch",
            "chromium": "web-ext run -t chromium --chromium-binary /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --arg=\"--auto-open-devtools-for-tabs\" --start-url \"about:blank\"",
            "all": "npm run chromium & npm run watch"