Hello I know what is the problem but I don't know how to solve it. Please help.
I am generating input fields and text area fields, so I have 2 v-fors(I will and third one too)
<div v-for="(textarea, textareaId) in blog.textareas" :key="textareaId">
<div v-for="(sectionTitle, sectionTId) in blog.sectionTitles" :key="sectionTId">
blogTitle: '',
images: [
imagesId: 0,//this was called id
name: ''
sectionTId: 0,//this was called id
title: ''
textareas: [
textareaId:0, //this was called id
text: ''
I have tried to change ids to not be all three 0 but I keep getting a warning evert time I enter the same number to :key="id"
Duplicate keys detected: '1'
Duplicate keys detected: '2'
and so on.
:key="'textarea_'+textareaId" and for sectionTitles :key="'section_'+sectionTId"