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MongoDB Compass: How to filter embedded array object in the MongoDB document

I want to filter the documents based on importkeyid and MissingPersonIds.PhotoId array field. The filter on MissingPersonIds.PhotoId should work like 'sql - like' operator.


  "_id": {
    "$oid": "61ada7da9a30fd8471869bbc"
  "ImportKeyId": 5843,
  "Name" : "AV"
  "MissingPersonIds": [
      "PhotoId": "2 - Copy.jpg",
      "Description": "Account ID not found"
      "PhotoId": "2 - Copy - Copy.jpg",
      "Description": "Account ID not found"
      "PhotoId": "2 - Copy - Copy (2).jpg",
      "Description": "Account ID not found"
      "PhotoId": "202020 - Copy (2).jpg",
      "Description": "Account ID not found"
      "PhotoId": "202020 - Copy - Copy.jpg",
      "Description": "Account ID not found"
      "PhotoId": "202020 - Copy - Copy (2).jpg",
      "Description": "Account ID not found"
  "_id": {
    "$oid": "619cd7d2181999c9a4da790a"
  "ImportKeyId": 5753,
  "Name" : 'av1'
  "MissingPersonIds": [
      "PhotoId": "94578.jpg",
      "Description": "Photo id is not found"
      "PhotoId": "371426759.jpg",
      "Description": "Photo id is not found"

Based on following conditions: enter image description here

Filter: { "ImportKeyId" : 5843 }

Projection: { MissingPersonIds : { $slice:[0,5] }, "MissingPersonIds": { $elemMatch: { PhotoId : { $regex: /202020 /i } } } }

I was expecting below output but $elemMatch returns only one matched record

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "61ada7da9a30fd8471869bbc"
  "ImportKeyId": 5843,
  "Name" : "AV"
  "MissingPersonIds": [  
      "PhotoId": "202020 - Copy (2).jpg",
      "Description": "Account ID not found"
      "PhotoId": "202020 - Copy - Copy.jpg",
      "Description": "Account ID not found"

What should I used instead of $elemMatch ?


  • Maybe something like this

        "$match": {
          "ImportKeyId": 5843
    "$project": {
      "_id": 1,
      "ImportKeyId": 1,
      MissingPersonIds: {
        $filter: {
          input: "$MissingPersonIds",
          as: "item",
          cond: {
            $gt: [
                $indexOfCP: [
                    $toLower: "$$item.PhotoId"
                  "202020 "


        "_id": ObjectId("61ada7da9a30fd8471869bbc")
        "ImportKeyId": 5843,
        "MissingPersonIds": [
        "Description": "Account ID not found",
        "PhotoId": "202020 - Copy (2).jpg"
        "Description": "Account ID not found",
        "PhotoId": "202020 - Copy - Copy.jpg"
        "Description": "Account ID not found",
        "PhotoId": "202020 - Copy - Copy (2).jpg"


    1. In the match stage you filter only documents with the ImportKeyId: 5843
    2. With the project stage you fiter _id & ImportKeyId , and you add new field MissingPersonIds that will filter the elements in the array containing only strings like in SQL having "%202020 %" inside