I have NDK 23.1 installed:
but do not have Android QT versions installed in QT Creator, but only Windows versions:
so it is not clear what does "All essential packages installed for all installed Qt versions" on the picture above mean.
When I open Devices tab QT Creator asks to install the following components:
Why does it ask to install NDK 21.3, but not some other version? Does it assume that all Android QT versions depends on NDK 21.3?
There are terribly annoying settings in %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\QtProject\sdk_definitions.json
"versions": ["default"],
"sdk_essential_packages": ["build-tools;30.0.2", "ndk;21.3.6528147"],
"ndk_path": "ndk/21.3.6528147"