I try to update Anaconda behind a corporate proxy. For this the network team gave me the parameters: proxy.subdomain.domain.de:1234. HTTP as well as HTTPS. However, everthing I try won't work. Either it doesn't show any effect or it returns a ConfigurationLoadError reasoned with "invalid yaml".
This configuration returns an error:
http: http://proxy.subdomain.domain.de:1234
https: https://proxy.subdomain.domain.de:1234
And this configuration doesn't work either:
proxy_servers: {http://proxy.subdomain.domain.de:1234, https://proxy.subdomain.domain.de:1234,}
I've already looked up a similar question, which solutions don't work for me, and the documentation:
Python Anaconda Proxy Setup via .condarc file on Windows
Can anyone please tell me what my mistake is and what the soulution is?
I've found the answer to it and it seems that is was mainly a matter of formatting:
http: proxy.subdomain.domain.de:1234
https: proxy.subdomain.domain.de:1234
I had too much spaces in front of the parameters, four spaces instead of only two spaces, and putting "http://" or "https://" in front of the parameter was also not correct.