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Give initial value of array and vectorization in Fortran

My question is about what is the fastest way to provide initial values to an array in Fortran 90 or above version, for both serial and OpenMP. I can try

(a) A = 0.0; or

(b) do nested loops for A(i, j...) = 0.0 and adjust the order of loops to fit the vectorization (innermost to the first argument)

I somehow remembered, but cannot find the reference after googled a few times, that complier will try to do vectorization for (a). Here is the test for serial level (sorry the code is messy, not procedure-oriented, and some variable names etc adopted from previous replies)

Program vectorization_test

  Use, Intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, Only :  wp => real64, li => int64

  real :: A(20,20,20,20), sum_time
  integer :: i,j,k,l,n,m, m_iter
  Integer( li ) :: start, finish, rate

  m_iter = 10
  n = 20
  sum_time = 0.0
  do m = 1, m_iter

    Call System_clock( start, rate )
    A= 0.0
    Call System_clock( finish, rate )  
    write(*,*) 'time 1', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate   
    sum_time = sum_time +  Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate   
  end do 

  write(*,*) 'average time', sum_time / m_iter

  sum_time = 0.0  
  do m = 1, m_iter
    Call System_clock( start, rate )
    do l = 1, n
      do k = 1, n
         do j = 1, n
           do i = 1, n
             A(i,j,k,l) = 0.0
           end do 
         end do   
      end do      
    end do        
    Call System_clock( finish, rate )  
    write(*,*) 'time 2', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate  
    sum_time = sum_time +  Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate 
  end do   

  write(*,*) 'average time 2', sum_time / m_iter

  sum_time = 0.0  
  do m = 1, m_iter
    Call System_clock( start, rate )
    do l = 1, n
      do j = 1, n      
        do k = 1, n
           do i = 1, n
             A(i,j,k,l) = 0.0
           end do 
         end do   
      end do      
    end do        
    Call System_clock( finish, rate )  
    write(*,*) 'time 3', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate  
    sum_time = sum_time +  Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate 
  end do   

  write(*,*) 'average time 3', sum_time / m_iter


  sum_time = 0.0  
  do m = 1, m_iter
    Call System_clock( start, rate )
    do i = 1, n
      do j = 1, n      
        do k = 1, n
           do l = 1, n
             A(i,j,k,l) = 0.0
           end do 
         end do   
      end do      
    end do        
    Call System_clock( finish, rate )  
    write(*,*) 'time 4', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate  
    sum_time = sum_time +  Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate 
  end do   
  write(*,*) 'average time 4', sum_time / m_iter
end program vectorization_test

I got average time 3.76699973E-05, average time 2 5.98790008E-04, average time 3 6.55650045E-04, average time 4 3.10386019E-03 from gfortran-11 -o3 on my laptop with 16 GB memory. On computing center with 384 GB memory, I got average time 4.75034976E-05, average time 2 , 4.47604398E-04, average time 3 4.70327737E-04, average time 4 4.14085982E-04. Larger dimensions similar trend.

Not sure if this holds for other compilers. Seems the innermost loop is most critical for vectorization.

So my questions are (1) is there any reference for this issue on vectorization and initialization of array; (2) if I use OpenMP, shall I use a single loop for one variable, A(i,:,:,:) = 0.0 something like that?

P.S. The initialization of array is mostlikely not the bottleneck, so the question is more belong to my curious.


  • Try varying to first index the fastest

    Call System_clock( start, rate )
    do l = 1, n
      do k = 1, n      
        do j = 1, n
           do i = 1, n
             A(i,j,k,l) = 0.0
           end do 
         end do   
      end do      
    end do        
    Call System_clock( finish, rate ) 

    Since Fortran is column-major, this means the first index puts values as near as they can be and thus utilizing the CPU cache to avoid excess memory access which is 100× slower than cache access.

    In the end I don't think it would make much of a difference, as the compiler is pretty good at optimizing code.

    In my testing with ifort in release build with parallel I get two sets of results based on the floating point setting:

    I measured initializations per second:

    Method /fp:fast /fp:precise Description
    LOOP 440.9171 403.2258 Four loops
    ATOM 443.4590 432.5259 a=x
    SPAN 443.8526 457.8755 a(:,:,:,:)=x
    PARA 445.0378 438.4042 $omp parallel

    Code listing:

    program Console1
    implicit none
    ! Variables
    integer, parameter :: n = 60, repeat=1000
    integer :: iter
    real :: x, a(n,n,n,n)
    integer(8) :: tic, toc, rate
    ! Body of Console1
    x = 4*atan(1.0)
    call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tic,rate)
    do iter=1, repeat
    call r_fill_loop(a,x)
    end do
    call SYSTEM_CLOCK(toc,rate)
    print *, "LOOP", (rate*repeat)/real(toc-tic), "ips"
    call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tic,rate)
    do iter=1, repeat
    call r_fill_atom(a,x)
    end do
    call SYSTEM_CLOCK(toc,rate)
    print *, "ATOM", (rate*repeat)/real(toc-tic), "ips"
    call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tic,rate)
    do iter=1, repeat
    call r_fill_span(a,x)
    end do
    call SYSTEM_CLOCK(toc,rate)
    print *, "SPAN", (rate*repeat)/real(toc-tic), "ips"
    call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tic,rate)
    do iter=1, repeat
    call r_fill_parallel(a,x)
    end do
    call SYSTEM_CLOCK(toc,rate)
    print *, "PARA", (rate*repeat)/real(toc-tic), "ips"
    pure subroutine r_fill_loop(a,x)
    real, intent(out) :: a(:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in) :: x
    integer :: n, m, g, h
    integer :: i,j,k,l
        n = size(a,1)
        m = size(a,2)
        g = size(a,3)
        h = size(a,4)
        do l=1, h
            do k=1, g
                do j=1, m
                    do i=1,n
                        a(i,j,k,l) = x
                    end do
                end do
            end do
        end do    
    end subroutine
    pure subroutine r_fill_atom(a,x)
    real, intent(out) :: a(:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in) :: x
        a = x
    end subroutine
    pure subroutine r_fill_parallel(a,x)
    real, intent(out) :: a(:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in) :: x
    integer :: n, m, g, h
    integer :: i,j,k,l
        n = size(a,1)
        m = size(a,2)
        g = size(a,3)
        h = size(a,4)
        !$OMP PARALLEL
        !$OMP DO 
        do l=1, h
            do k=1, g
                do j=1, m
                    do i=1,n
                        a(i,j,k,l) = x
                    end do
                end do
            end do
        end do  
        !$OMP END DO
    end subroutine
    pure subroutine r_fill_span(a,x)
    real, intent(out) :: a(:,:,:,:)
    real, intent(in) :: x
        a(:,:,:,:) = x
    end subroutine
    end program Console1

    Side note on precision and roundoff errors. I did a sum(a) in the end and compared it to n*n*n*n*x = 40715040.79 which is the expected value.

    With /fp:fast=2 I get sum(a) = 40738716.0

    With /fp:precise I get sum(a) = 46579532.0

    The above is very surprising that the precise floating-point model gives far worse accuracy compared to the fast model.

    here are the compiler options I used:

     /nologo /O3 /Qparallel /heap-arrays200 /fp:fast=2 /module:x64\Release\ /object:
     x64\Release\ /Fdx64\Release\vc150.pdb /libs:dll /threads /c /Qlocation,link,C:\
     Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.
     27023\bin\HostX64\x64 /Qm64