this is my code and this is my data, and this is the output of the code. I've tried adding one the values on the x axes, thinking maybe values so little can be interpreted as zeros. I've no idea what true_divide could be, and I cannot explain this divide by zero error since there is not a single zero in my data, checked all of my 2500 data points. Hoping that some of you could provide some clarification. Thanks in advance.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from iminuit import cost, Minuit
import numpy as np
frame = pd.read_excel('/Users/lorenzotecchia/Desktop/Analisi Laboratorio/Analisi dati/Quinta Esperienza/500Hz/F0000CH2.xlsx', 'F0000CH2')
data = pd.read_excel('/Users/lorenzotecchia/Desktop/Analisi Laboratorio/Analisi dati/Quinta Esperienza/500Hz/F0000CH1.xlsx', 'F0000CH1')
# tempi_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['x'])
# Vout_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['y'])
tempi_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['x1'])
Vout_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(frame,columns=['y1'])
# Vin_500Hz = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['y'])
def fit_esponenziale(x, α, β):
return α * (1 - np.exp(-x / β))
plt.title('Fit Parabolico')
plt.scatter(tempi_500Hz, Vout_500Hz)
least_squares = cost.LeastSquares(tempi_500Hz, Vout_500Hz, np.sqrt(Vout_500Hz), fit_esponenziale)
m = Minuit(least_squares, α=0, β=0)
plt.errorbar(tempi_500Hz, Vout_500Hz, fmt="o", label="data")
plt.plot(tempi_500Hz, fit_esponenziale(tempi_500Hz, *m.values), label="fit")
fit_info = [
f"$\\chi^2$ / $n_\\mathrm{{dof}}$ = {m.fval:.1f} / {len(tempi_500Hz) - m.nfit}",]
for p, v, e in zip(m.parameters, m.values, m.errors):
fit_info.append(f"{p} = ${v:.3f} \\pm {e:.3f}$")
There is actually a way to fit this completely linear. See
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
def fit_exp(x, a, b, c):
return a * (1 - np.exp( -b * x) ) + c
nn = 170
xl = np.linspace( 0, 0.001, nn )
yl = fit_exp( xl, 15, 5300, -8.1 ) + np.random.normal( size=nn, scale=0.05 )
with y = a( 1- exp(-bx) ) + c
we have Y = int y = -1/b y + d x + h ....try it out or see below
so we get a linear equation for b (actually 1/b ) to optimize
this goes as:
Yl = cumtrapz( yl, xl, initial=0 )
ST = [xl, yl, np.ones( nn ) ]
S = np.transpose( ST )
eta = ST, Yl )
A = ST, S )
sol = np.linalg.solve( A, eta )
bFit = -1/sol[1]
print( bFit )
now we can do a normal linear fit
ST = [ fit_exp(xl, 1, bFit, 0), np.ones( nn ) ]
S = np.transpose( ST )
A = ST, S )
eta = ST, yl )
aFit, cFit = np.linalg.solve( A, eta )
print( aFit, cFit )
print(aFit + cFit, sol[0] ) ### consistency check
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1 )
ax.plot(xl, yl, marker ='+', ls='' )
## at best a sufficient fit, at worst a good start for a non-linear fit
ax.plot(xl, fit_exp( xl, aFit, bFit, cFit ) )
a ( 1 - exp(-b x)) + c = a + c - a exp(-b x) = d - a exp( -b x )
int y = d x + a/b exp( -b x ) + g
= d x +a/b exp( -b x ) + a/b - a/b + c/b - c/b + g
= d x - 1/b ( a - a exp( -b x ) + c ) + c/b + a/b + g
= d x + k y + h
with k = -1/b and h = g + c/b + a/b.
d and h are fitted but not used, but as a+c = d we can check
for consistency