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Need help understanding Haskell id function

Hello I have two versions of this function and I am having some trouble.

iter :: Int -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
iter n f
  | n > 0 = f . iter (n-1) f
  | otherwise = id

iter' :: Int -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
iter' n = foldr (.) id . replicate n

I cannot understand even after googling what does id actually do here.

Like for example if we come to the function with n = 3 and f x = x+1. When we iterate through the whole n and come to the point when id is being called what happens with our variables?

I am very big newbie so could you please explain as simplistically as possible.


  • Summing a list xs = [x1,x2,...,xn] can be visualized as

    x1 + x2 + ... + xn + 0

    Note that + 0 at the very end. Its purpose is to handle the case where the list is empty, i.e. xs = [] and n=0. In such case the sum above reduces to 0, which is the correct sum for an empty list.

    Also note that when the list is not empty the extra + 0 has no impact ont the sum, so it's harmless. We indeed choose 0 since it is the neutral element for addition: x + 0 = x for all x.

    If we want to compute a product, we would write

    x1 * x2 * ... * xn * 1

    Note that * 1 at the end. Its role is exactly the same as the + 0 seen above. Also note that 1 is the neutral element of multiplication: x * 1 = x for all x.

    If we want to compute the composition of a list of functions, we would write

    f1 . f2 . ... . fn . id

    Note that . id at the end. Its role is exactly the same as the + 0 and * 1 seen above. Also note that id is the neutral element of composition f . id = f for all f.

    Hopefully this will help you understand why, every time we compute a fold like

    x1 op x2 op ... op xn

    where op is any binary operation, we want to end with ... op neutral_element so to handle the empty list case, and still act as a good base case for non-empty lists.