Search code examples

Dealing with complex query results in IHP without having to manually specify columns?

The "Dealing With Complex Query Results" section of shows how you can "include extra data" when querying for a database type, by creating a type like this:

data PostWithCommentsCount = PostWithCommentsCount
    { id :: Id Post
    , title :: Text
    , commentsCount :: Int
    deriving (Eq, Show)

This works well, but it has the disadvantage that you need to manually specify all the columns of posts to include in the new PostWithCommentsCount type:

instance FromRow PostWithCommentsCount where
    fromRow =
            <$> field
            <*> field
            <*> field

fetchPostsWithCommentsCount :: (?modelContext :: ModelContext) => IO [PostWithCommentsCount]
fetchPostsWithCommentsCount = do
    trackTableRead "posts" -- This is needed when using auto refresh, so auto refresh knows that your action is accessing the posts table
    sqlQuery "SELECT, posts.title, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE comments.post_id = AS comments_count FROM posts" ()

This is tedious to maintain over time, if changes in the posts table means you also have to change this manual query. I think it could be better if the type looked like this:

data PostWithCommentsCount = PostWithCommentsCount
    { post :: Post
    , commentsCount :: Int
    deriving (Eq, Show)

So that I wouldn't have to manually specify all the columns of posts that I'm interested in - I would just get all the whole Post. Is there a way to accomplish this currently?


  • Yes this is possible if you use the following FromRow instance:

    instance FromRow PostWithCommentsCount where
        fromRow = do
            post <- fromRow
            commentsCount <- field
            pure PostWithCommentsCount { post, commentsCount }

    You can also write this with the operators above like this:

    instance FromRow PostWithCommentsCount where
        fromRow = PostWithCommentsCount
            <$> fromRow
            <*> field