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typing in textarea triggers render in livewire

I have a textarea and when I type in it, render function works. What is the problem?

<label class="tf-form-label" for="form.reason">
    {{ __('Reason') }}
<textarea wire:model.debounce.250ms="form.reason" rows="5" name="form.reason" id="form.reason" class="tf-input" ></textarea>
<x-jet-input-error for="form.reason" class="mt-2" />


  • That is the default behaviour when you bind an element to a Livewire. Debounce does not prevent this, just provides control over when Livewire triggers a network request to update itself.

    If you don't want to update on every character input, you either want to use the lazy which sends a network request when it detects the native change event, or defer which batches updates and sends them when you explicitly tell the form to submit.