This works well.
if ($request->link) {
foreach($request->name as $key => $social){
$stall->socials()->attach($social, ['value' => $request->link[$key] ?? null]);
But it does not work.
if ($request->link) {
foreach($request->name as $key => $social){
$stall->socials()->sync($social, ['value' => $request->link[$key] ?? null]);
public function socials()
return $this->belongsToMany(Social::class)->withPivot('value');
The problem is that it does not store in the database at all during the update.
You would need to build your list in a particular way to have set additional fields on the pivot table when syncing. It would be an associative array where the keys are the ids and the value is an associative array where the keys are the fields and the values are the values to set on the pivot fields.
You could use a Collection to create the list in the way you need:
if ($request->link) {
fn ($value, $key) => [$value => ['value' => $request->link[$key] ?? null]]
If you are not using PHP 8 then you could adjust to a regular anonymous function instead of the short arrow syntax:
function ($value, $key) use ($request) { return [$value => ['value' => $request->link[$key] ?? null]]; }
Laravel 7.x Docs - Collections - Available Methods mapWithKeys