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Inject host's environment variable into K8s Pod

I would like to run a pod on one of my IoT devices. Each one of those devices contains an environment variable I want this pod to use. Is there any way to inject this env variable into the pod using build-in templating of helm/kubectl? I was trying the following on my deployment.yaml file:

  - name: XXX
    value: $ENV_FROM_HOST

but when executing the pod and trying the get XXX value, I get the string $ENV_FROM_HOST instead of its value from the host:

$ echo $XXX



  • It's not possible to directly pass the host's env vars to the pods. I often do that by creating a ConfigMap.

    1. Create a ConfigMap with from-lireral option:

      kubectl create configmap testcm --from-literal=hostname=$HOSTNAME
    2. Refer to that in the Pod's manifest:

      - name: TEST
            name: testcm
            key: hostname

    This will inject the host's $HOSTNAME into the Pod's $TEST.

    If it's sensitive information, you can use Secrets instead of using ConfigMap.