I'm working my way through tutorials and also formalizing mathematics course and trying to solve other problems I find interesting. There is surprisingly little examples with inequalities.
How one can prove that if two ℤ
numbers are both even or both odd, the closest they can be if not equal is 2 apart?
import data.int.basic
import data.int.parity
theorem even_even_at_least_two_apart { x y : ℤ } : even x ∧ even y → x < y → x ≤ y - 2 :=
I'm having trouble converting from mod
to minimal differences. Or I'm stuck with x ≤ y - 1
that can be obtained from lt
. I suspect my initial formalization can be off.
This is as far as i can get:
rintros ⟨ hx, hy ⟩ hlt,
rw int.even_iff at hx hy,
rw ← int.le_sub_one_iff at hlt,
Using library_search
and linarith
can save you a lot of trouble. The lines ending with the comment -- library_search
where found using library_search
import data.int.parity
import tactic.linarith
theorem even_even_at_least_two_apart { x y : ℤ } : even x ∧ even y → x < y → x ≤ y - 2 :=
rintros ⟨hx, hy⟩ hxy,
have h₁ : even (y - x),
exact int.even.sub_even hy hx, -- library_search,
have h₂ : 0 < y - x,
exact sub_pos.mpr hxy, -- library_search
rcases h₁ with ⟨k, hk⟩,
rw hk at *,
have : 1 ≤ k, by linarith,
Note that the statement would be nicer to read and use as
theorem even_even_at_least_two_apart {x y : ℤ} (hx : even x) (hy : even y) (hxy : x < y) :
x ≤ y - 2