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How do I set up right alignment for horizontal uistackviews embedded within a vertical stackview?

I have a vertical stack view comprised of labels and horizontal button stackviews that looks like this:

Label 1 Text Here


Label 2 Text Here

SB SB SB  LargeB

Label 3 Text Here

SB SB SB  LargeB

I want to left align the labels and right align the button stackviews so it looks like this:

Label 1 Text Here

    SB SB SB SB SB  LargeB

Label 2 Text Here

          SB SB SB  LargeB

Label 3 Text Here

          SB SB SB  LargeB

I have realized I can align the horizontal button stackviews with the trailing edge of the superview but this force thes contents of the stackview to stretch out and occupy the full horizontal space. I have added leading margins to address this, but it seems very indirect and likely to introduce issues across device sizes. Is there a way to right align specific contents within a vertical stackview, or a better way to handle this situation?


  • Set your Vertical Stack View properties:

    enter image description here

    Set each Horizontal Stack View properties:

    enter image description here

    Make sure ALL buttons have Content Hugging Priority -> Vertical and Horizontal set to Required, and Content Compression Resistance Priority -> Vertical set to Required:

    enter image description here

    Use a clear-background UIView as the first arranged subview for any horizontal stack view that does not have the full number of buttons. In this screen-cap, I've set the backgrounds to Teal so you can see where they are:

    enter image description here