I have a tree (non-binary, unbalanced, no cycles), all nodes have flags (green=active, red=inactive). I'm starting from the root node and I have to find a complete path (from root to leaf) where all nodes are active. (To find at least one path is fine.) As a result, I need the path, not just the info if there is any.
I was thinking of using a depth-first search, but I can't figure out how to include the filtering by active/inactive. Any ideas?
Your DFS recursion will have two base cases:
In all other cases recursive call(s) have to be made on the node's children. As soon as a positive result comes back from the recursive call, that positive result can be extended with the current node and returned immediately, interrupting the loop.
There are several ways to implement a tree, so I made some choices in this JavaScript implementation:
function findGreenPath(tree, label) {
let root = tree[label];
if (!root.green) return null; // No path through none-green node
if (root.children == "") return label; // It is a leaf, start a path
for (let child of root.children) {
let path = findGreenPath(tree, child);
if (path != null) return label + path; // prepend this node to a good path
return null; // No path found
// Implementation of the example tree in the question:
let tree = { // Dictionary of nodes by their label
"A": {green: true, children: "BC"},
"B": {green: true, children: "DE"},
"C": {green: true, children: "FG"},
"D": {green: true, children: "HI"},
"E": {green: false, children: ""},
"F": {green: false, children: ""},
"G": {green: true, children: "J"},
"H": {green: false, children: ""},
"I": {green: true, children: ""},
"J": {green: true, children: "K"},
"K": {green: false, children: ""}
let path = findGreenPath(tree, "A");
console.log(path); // ABDI