So I was playing some sql indexes and see if I can improve my sql performance. I'm using the data from employees table, and dump the employees.sql.
After looking up the structure a bit, my question was how do I get 10 people with the highest salary and what are the title. I come up with some solution.
select e.emp_no, e.first_name, e.last_name, e.gender, salaries.salary, titles.title from employees e
inner join (
select s.emp_no, s.salary from salaries as s
left outer join salaries as s2
on s.emp_no = s2.emp_no
and s.salary < s2.salary
where s2.emp_no is null
) salaries on salaries.emp_no = e.emp_no
inner join (
select t.emp_no, t.title from titles as t
left outer join titles as t2
on t.emp_no = t2.emp_no
and t.to_date < t2.to_date
where t2.emp_no is null
) titles on titles.emp_no = e.emp_no
order by salaries.salary desc
limit 10;
Basicly since the employees
have one-to-many relationship for titles and salaries I must group the salaries
and titles
by its latest greatest value, for salaries
it will be salary
column and for titles
it will be the to_date
The SQL works perfect, but it was so slow ~ even after creating some index.
create index salary_emp_no_index on salaries (salary, emp_no);
create unique index emp_first_last_name_index on employees (emp_no, first_name, last_name, gender);
create index titles_emp_title on titles (emp_no, title)
What I am doing wrong here? Is there still a room for improvement?
Edit (added sqlfiddle)
Two points:
First, to get the greatest salary for each emp_no and limit to 10, you don't need a subquery or join at all, you can simply do (untested):
select emp_no, max(salary) max_salary
from salaries
group by emp_no
order by max_salary desc
limit 10
Second, you only need the titles for those (up to) 10 employees, so use your max salary query as a cte or subquery and only look for titles for those employees, which should be much faster. Additionally, you can avoid the self-join on titles using the approach in