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How to set the value for variable in ARM template? Or Use of Or condition in ARM template

I been working on ARM template and i want asign value to isAlwayOnEnable variable dynamically based on user selection of skuname.

"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
  "skuName": {
    "type": "string",
    "minLength": 1,
    "allowedValues": [
    "defaultValue": "F1",
    "metadata": {
      "description": "The pricing tier for the hosting plan."
"variables": {
    "isAlwayOnEnable": "[if(equals(parameters('skuName'), or('P1','P2','P3','P1V2','P2V2','P3V2','S1','S2','S3')), 'true', 'false')]"
"resources": []

But it has an issue while validating the arm template.

{"error":{"code":"InvalidTemplate","message":"Deployment template language expression evaluation failed: 'Unable to parse language expression 'if(equals(parameters('skuName'), or('P1','P2','P3','P1V2','P2V2','P3V2','S1','S2','S3')), true, false)': expected token 'LeftParenthesis' and actual 'Comma'.'. Please see for usage details.","additionalInfo":[{"type":"TemplateViolation","info":{"lineNumber":0,"linePosition":0,"path":""}}]}}

Can anyone point me where i am doing the mistake ?

I also tried to use this variable like

"isAlwayOnEnable": "[or(if(equals(parameters('skuName'),'S1') ,'true','false'), if(equals(parameters('skuName'),'S2') ,'true','false'),if(equals(parameters('skuName'),'S3') ,'true','false'),  if(equals(parameters('skuName'),'P1') ,'true','false'),if(equals(parameters('skuName'),'P2') ,'true','false'),if(equals(parameters('skuName'),'P3') ,'true','false'),if(equals(parameters('skuName'),'P1V2') ,'true','false'),if(equals(parameters('skuName'),'P2V2') ,'true','false'),if(equals(parameters('skuName'),'P3V2') ,'true','false'))]"

then i got below error

{"error":{"code":"InvalidTemplate","message":"Deployment template validation failed: 'The template variable 'isAlwayOnEnable' is not valid: The provided arguments for template language function 'or' is not valid: all arguments should be of type 'boolean'. Please see for usage details.. Please see for usage details.'.","additionalInfo":[{"type":"TemplateViolation","info":{"lineNumber":136,"linePosition":534,"path":"properties.template.variables.isAlwayOnEnable"}}]}}


  • variable section -

    "variables": {
        "isAlwayOnEnable": "[if(equals(parameters('skuName'), 'P1'), 'true','false')]"

    evaluates true when skuName as P1 is selected else false. So you can just add more condition with 'OR' operators and that should work.

    Reference -

    [EDIT 1 ]

    Using 'OR' conditions for multiple values-

    "variables": {
        "isAlwayOnEnable": "[or (equals(parameters('skuName'), 'P1'), equals(parameters('skuName'), 'P2'))]"

    Now I believe you can just put more equals(parameters('skuName'), 'VALUE')) after putting a comma based on your need.

    I have tested below one ARM Template and this works as expected-

        "$schema": "",
        "contentVersion": "",
        "parameters": {
            "skuName": {
                "defaultValue": "F1",
                "allowedValues": [
                "minLength": 1,
                "type": "String",
                "metadata": {
                    "description": "The pricing tier for the hosting plan."
        "variables": {
            "isAlwayOnEnable": "[or (equals(parameters('skuName'), 'P1'), equals(parameters('skuName'), 'P2'))]"
        "resources": [],
        "outputs": {
            "Result": {
                "type": "bool",
                "value": "[variables('isAlwayOnEnable')]"

    enter image description here enter image description here

    which is expected as per the logic. And also -

    enter image description here enter image description here

    Try it out yourself at before marking this question as helpful/not helpful.