I'm trying to execute commands that are passed from the terminal to argv seperated by :
to be more specific cat nevermind : grep left : wc -c
is an array that contains each command so cat nevermind
,grep left
,wc -c
With printf I can confirm that tabCommand[i-1]
is indead equal to cat nevermind
but the output I get is Error: No such file or directory
if (execl(tabCommande[i-1],tabCommande[i-1], (char *)NULL) == -1) {
If someone can help me find the issue I would really appreciate it.
With the comments I got in my post I managed to find my problem
execlp("/bin/sh","sh","-c",tabCommande[i], (char *)NULL)
works because I need to use the full path.
If I do execlp(tabCommande[i],tabCommande[i], (char *)NULL)
it won't work because im not using the full path of each command so simply giving cat
to execlp won't work.
found this answer thanks to waltinator I'm new to stack so i dont know how to give you the credit