I have a real big list of stocks with ISIN and WKN-Number. My aim is to use pandas_datareader to get now historical data from that stocks. My problem is, the function e.g.
import pandas_datareader as web
stock = web.DataReader('ALB', data_source="yahoo", start="01.01.2021", end="30.10.2021")
only can work with ticker-symbols. Is there some way (maybe other library) to solve that or some algorithm to transform the Numbers into ticker symbols?
At least for the ISIN you can use investpy
function, which returns a pandas.DataFrame containing (among others information) the symbol for that ISIN code.
import investpy
df = investpy.stocks.search_stocks(by='isin', value='US0126531013')
# country name full_name isin currency symbol
# 0 mexico Albemarle Albemarle Corp US0126531013 MXN ALB
# 1 united states Albemarle Albemarle Corp US0126531013 USD ALB
# 2 germany Albemarle Albemarle Corporation US0126531013 EUR ALLE
from pandas_datareader import data as pdr
symbol = df.loc[df['country']=='united states','symbol'].values[0]
print(symbol) # ALB
stock = pdr.DataReader(symbol, data_source="yahoo", start="2021-01-01", end="2021-10-30")
Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
2021-01-04 152.899994 156.759995 150.289993 152.630005 151.645477 2898700
2021-01-05 152.669998 166.779999 152.669998 162.929993 161.879028 2628000
2021-01-06 165.500000 178.589996 165.500000 175.100006 173.970535 3335500
2021-01-07 183.479996 187.250000 180.550003 184.000000 182.813126 2947800
2021-01-08 184.490005 186.929993 178.660004 184.100006 182.912491 1659400