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How to calculate the percentage of failed requests (HTTP status 401) using Splunk query?

I have the following query

<base query>  | rex field=msg "HTTP/1.1\\\" (?<http_status>\d{3})" 
| where http_status=200 OR http_status=401 
| eval event_date=strftime(_time, "%x") 
| chart count over event_date by http_status

that gives me the following table

event_date      200     401
==========      ===     ===
11/28/21        61      24
11/29/21        295     96

However, I need an additional column that shows the percentage of status 401 compared to the total, i.e., "401"/("200"+"401"), as the following:

event_date      200     401     401 percentage
==========      ===     ===     ==============
11/28/21        61      24      28.24%
11/29/21        295     96      24.55%

Could anyone tell me how to do it? Thank you very much.


  • Use an eval to compute the percentage.

    | eval "401 percentage" = round('401'*100/('200'+'401'),2)."%"

    The round function limits the calculation to 2 decimal places and ."%" adds a percent symbol to the end. BTW, be sure to use single quotes where I have so Splunk knows it's a field name rather than a string literal.