I've a Python list with several sub lists having tokens as tokens
I want to stem the tokens in it so that the output will be as stemmed_expected
tokens = [['cooked', 'lovely','baked'],['hotel', 'going','liked'],['room','looking']]
stemmed_expected: [['cook', 'love','bake'],['hotel', 'go','like'],['room','look']]
The for loop I tried is follows:
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
ps = PorterStemmer()
stemmed_actual = []
for m in tokens:
for word in m:
word = ps.stem(word)
But the output of this for loop is:
stemmed_actual = ['cook', 'love', 'bake', 'hotel', 'go', 'like', 'room', 'look']
How can I modify the for loop to get the stemmed words in sub lists as it is in stemmed_expected
You can use nested list comprehension:
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
tokens = [['cooked', 'lovely','baked'],['hotel', 'going','liked'],['room','looking']]
ps = PorterStemmer()
stemmed = [[ps.stem(word) for word in sublst] for sublst in tokens]
# [['cook', 'love', 'bake'], ['hotel', 'go', 'like'], ['room', 'look']]