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plotting points on 3d surface with pm3d in gnuplot

I'm trying to plot a point on 3d surface and also on the base of 3d surface using gnuplot. Below is the code that I'm using, the data "datx.dat" is in following location

set dgrid3d 100,100
set cntrparam levels disc -242.3,-242.5,-243,-244,-245,-246,-247,-248
set contour both                                                     
set hidden3d back offset 1 trianglepattern 3 undefined 1 altdiagonal bentover        
#set palette rgbformulae 12,12,12                                                     
set view 50,320                                                                      
set contour both
unset key 
unset colorbox

$data << EOD                     

splot 'datx.dat' using 1:2:3 with pm3d, \
      $data using 1:2:3 with labels point pt 7

Below is the output, I dont see the point at desired location. How do I achieve this in gnuplot?

enter image description here

Desired output:

enter image description here


  • The reason it doesn't work is that set contours ... splot $DATA with labels tells the program to contour $DATA and place labels along those contours. Obviously there can be no contours generated for a single-point data set so there is no place to position a label.

    The easiest way to place a single point at a known position on the surface is:

    set label 1 "" at 1175.4,1.61,-242.01 point pt 7     
    # make sure it is not obscured by the surface
    set label 1 front

    Placing a point on the base is also easy, so long as you specify exactly where the base is going to be drawn (rather than trying predict where the auto-placement will end up):

    Zbase = -500
    set xyplane at Zbase
    set label 2 "" at 1175.4, 1.61, Zbase point pt 7