i created new PublicClientApplication in my index.tsx. Now I want to pass this to my withAuthHOC. This HOC is using by the App.tsx. So i want to use the PublicClientApplication (pca props) in HOC. How can I do it?
My AppProps.tsx:
export type AppProps = {
pca: IPublicClientApplication
My index.tsx:
const msalInstance = new PublicClientApplication(msalConfig);
<App pca={msalInstance} />
My App.tsx:
const App = ({pca}:AppProps) => {
return (
<MainRoutes />
export default withAuthHOC(App);
My withAuthHOC.tsx:
const withAuthHOC = (WrappedComponent: React.FunctionComponent) => {
return () => {
return (
<MsalProvider instance={pca}>
<AuthenticatedValidation />
<WrappedComponent />
export default withAuthHOC;
You will get it on props of the HOC
const withAuthHOC = (WrappedComponent: React.FunctionComponent) => {
return (props) => {
const {pca} = props; // get pca form props
return (
<MsalProvider instance={pca}>
<AuthenticatedValidation />
<WrappedComponent />
export default withAuthHOC;