The following code works, but I feel that the line worker([this](int a, long b, int* c){receiver(a, b, c);});
is sort of redundant because it is repeating the signature of receiver
. Instead of passing a lambda function that in turn calls the member function, can I somehow pass the member function directly?
using callback = std::function<void(int, long, int*)>;
void worker(callback c)
class Caller
worker([this](int a, long b, int* c){receiver(a, b, c);});
void receiver(int a, long b, int* c)
is the classical approach, that avoids the need to explicitly spell out the forwarding signature:
using namespace std::placeholders;
// ...
worker(std::bind(&Caller::receiver, this, _1, _2, _3));
C++20 also has std::bind_front
; it reduces this verbiage, somewhat.
You cannot pass a pointer to a member function "directly". This is because a member function requires a specific instance of an object whose member function should get invoked. So, in some form of fashion, in some way, you cannot avoid this
, or some other instance of the object, to be involved in the process. This is fundamental to C++. The only thing that can be done here is to find some syntactic sugar, which is basically all this is, here.