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Problems in understanding javascript nested for loops

I try to understand nested for loops in javascript but it's very confusing.

I have this code and I can't understand how it works:

let n = 5;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) {

In console I have : 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3

And I'm trying to figure out which loop represent each number.


  • Run this code:

    let n = 5;
    let str = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < i; j++)
            str += j;
       console.log("Outer: "+i+" Inner: "+str);
       str = '';

    Output is:

    Outer: 0 Inner: 
    Outer: 1 Inner: 0
    Outer: 2 Inner: 01
    Outer: 3 Inner: 012
    Outer: 4 Inner: 0123

    As you can see, in the output above, inner loop (the one with variable j) doesn't run, because if you replace the variables with numbers it would be 0 < 0 (i < 0), which isn't true.

    The best way for you to understand how nested loops work is to write each step and variable values on the paper, like so:

    n = 5

    STEP 1:

    • i = 0
    • i < n (0 < 5) TRUE
      • j = 0
      • j < i (0 < 0) FALSE inner loop doesn't execute
    • OUTPUT: "Outer: 0 Inner:"
    • str = ''

    STEP 2:

    • i = 1
    • i < n (1 < 5) TRUE
      • j = 0
      • j < i (0 < 1) TRUE
      • str = 0
      • j = 1 (j++)
      • j < i (1 < 1) FALSE
    • OUTPUT: "Outer: 1 Inner: 0"
    • str = ''

    And so on... Keep repeating this until the argument in the outer loop is false (i < n).

    You must remember, in for loop the sequence of orders executed:

    for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      console.log('It works');
    1. let i = 0; (this executes only once)

    2. i < 5 (if true run 3 and 4)

    3. run the code in loop

    4. i ++

    5. i < 5 (if true run 6 and 7)

    6. run the code in loop

    7. i++
