Can anyone help me extract the values from pyomo model into an excel file?
For example for this Objective function. I want the values for the models to be extracted into an excel file but dont know how...
def lastdeckung(model, t):
return model.eigenproduktion[t] + model.stromimport[t] == model.verbrauch[t]
model.lastdeckung = Constraint(model.n, rule = lastdeckung)
As far as I was able to read online im supposed to create a pandas dataframe and afterwards extract that with the to_csv
I was able to get one function into a dataframe with this:
values = [value(model.stromimport[key]) for key in model.stromimport]
But I dont know how to add more...
This is probably better:
results = pd.DataFrame()
for v in model.component_objects(Var,active=True):
for index in v:[index,] = value(v[index])