My AS3 A* pathfinding implementation sometimes doesn't returns the most efficient route, rather like this:
[E][X][ ][ ][ ]
[.][X][.][.][ ]
[ ][.][ ][i][S]
(where . is the node walked, and X is walls. S = start, E = end, i = my imaginary marker)
The problem: i should have a total score of (distance to end) 30 + (distance from start) 10 = 40, while the tile above i should have a total score of (distance to end) 40 + (distance from start) 14 = 54. Why is 54 being picked instead of 40, I don't know - I use this to find the node with lowest total score on the open list:
var lowestTScore:int = 10000;
var pointerTo:PathNode;
for each (var Cur:PathNode in openList) {
//loops through each node in openlist and finds the one with lowest total score.
if (Cur.distS + Cur.distE < lowestTScore) {
lowestTScore = Cur.distS + Cur.distE;
pointerTo = Cur;
(which I can't see any problems with.)
I thought, maybe it's a error with me calculating distance to the end. So I checked my code for that:
theNode.distE = (Math.abs(theNode.xpos - endPts[0]) + Math.abs(theNode.ypos - endPts[1])) * 10;
(which, again I can't see any problems with.)
I'm really stumped on this. PathSearcher:as:
(I understand that it is better to post directly the problem code, but I don't know where is the problem code :( Sorry)
Thanks for any help!
Found the problem! I didn't add
theNode.distS = theNode.parentNode.distS + cost;
when changing parents of theNode. I only changed parentNode, but not the distS score.