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quantityType(forIdentifier:) deprecated in a future version of iOS?

Xcode (I'm on v13.1) warns me, that quantityType(forIdentifier:) will be deprecated in a future version of iOS.

enter image description here

I thus checked in Apple's developer documentation for a hint what else to use. Surprisingly, on the documentation it is not labeled as deprecated in near future.

Which source to trust in this case? And in case quantityType(forIdentifier:) is indeed to be removed in teh future, is there already a known replacement?


  • The code completion dialog is merely reporting what you could see for yourself if you looked at the same header that it is looking at:

    @available(iOS, introduced: 8.0, deprecated: 100000)
    open class func quantityType(forIdentifier identifier: HKQuantityTypeIdentifier) -> HKQuantityType?

    100000 means "the unknown future". There's no rush; it's only a warning.

    But you might as well start updating your code now. The replacement will be this initializer:

    extension HKQuantityType {
        @available(iOS 15.0, watchOS 8.0, macOS 13.0, *)
        public convenience init(_ identifier: HKQuantityTypeIdentifier)