I'm using money-rails
latest version. The humanized_money_with_symbol
helper currency symbol overlaps with the value like shown in the image below:
Code -
p = humanized_money_with_symbol product.price
This works properly on the latest devices like MacBook, pixels, iPhones. The issue only occurs on some devices.
Gem details -
ruby '3.0.0'
rails, '~> 6.1.4'
money-rails, '~> 1.15.0'
bootstrap 5
webpack version - latest
- Source Sans Pro, arial, sans-serif
Attached video link below for more details -
It's not a rails issue as suggested by others in the comment section. Source sans pro font
didn't support my currency symbol.
Fix - Change the font family
p.custom-font = humanized_money_with_symbol product.price