I am saving images into pdf document
let suppose I have 3 images and add them to the document it should show 3 pages. but what's happing is this I am getting 4 pages with the first page empty.I am using TPPDF pod for this
TPPDF Environment TPPDF version: 2.3.5 Xcode version: 13.0 Swift version: 4 or above
Demo Code / Project
let document = PDFDocument(format: .a4)
document.add(.footerLeft, textObject: PDFSimpleText(text: "Generated from Pdf Scanner"))
for eachImage in images{
let imageElement = PDFImage(image: eachImage)
imageElement.sizeFit = .height
document.add(.contentCenter ,image: imageElement)
let generator = PDFGenerator(document: document)
let pdfUrl = (try? generator.generateURL(filename: "Example.pdf"))!
I suspect that one of your images is too large, but without access to the images I can't tell for sure. I created three images with SF Symbols and played with resizing the images. I can create the problem by setting the images too large.
let images = [NSImage(systemSymbolName: "xmark", accessibilityDescription: "xmark")!,
NSImage(systemSymbolName: "pencil.slash", accessibilityDescription: "pencil")!,
NSImage(systemSymbolName: "pencil.and.outline", accessibilityDescription: "pencil")!]
let document = PDFDocument(format: .a4)
document.add(.footerLeft, textObject: PDFSimpleText(text: "Generated from Pdf Scanner"))
for eachImage in images {
// eachImage.size = NSSize(width: 400, height: 380)
// above works
eachImage.size = NSSize(width: 790, height: 760)
let imageElement = PDFImage(image: eachImage)
imageElement.sizeFit = .height
document.add(.contentCenter ,image: imageElement)
let generator = PDFGenerator(document: document)
generator.debug = true
let pdfUrl = (try? generator.generateURL(filename: "Example.pdf"))!
print("pdf location: \(pdfUrl)")
Note: generator.debug = true
might be useful.