I'm using mongoose schemas for node.js along with express-validator (which has node-validator santiziations and validators).
What's a good way to store price for an item?
I currently have
var ItemSchema = new Schema({
name : { type: String, required: true, trim: true }
, price : Number
Price is optional, so I have:
if ( req.body.price ) {
req.assert('price', 'Enter a price (number only)').isFloat();
express-validator gives me isNumeric (allows 0 padding), isDecimal, and isInt...I'd rather just convert to decimal and strip all characters, so I'm always inserting 42.00 into db.
I want to allow them to enter $42.00, $42, 42, 42.00 and just store 42.00. How can I accomplish this? and still validate that I'm seeing something resembling a number, for example if they enter 'abc' I want to throw an error back to the form using req.assert.
Also, I suppose currency will eventually become an issue...
Update, I found this post which says to store price as integer in cents, so 4200 https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/15729/storing-prices-in-sqlite-what-data-type-to-use
I just need a way to convert 4200 to $42.00 when I call item.price and also sanitize and convert the input into 4200.
A bit late but...
The answer of chovy almost worked for me – I just needed to add
{ toJSON: { getters: true }}
as an options parameter in the schema declaration.
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
const productosSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
name: String,
price: {
type: Number,
get: v => (v/100).toFixed(2),
set: v => v*100
toJSON: { getters: true } //this right here
export default mongoose.model('productos', productosSchema)
This works on Mongoose 6.0.14.
References: https://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#document_Document-toJSON