For some weird reason my BST tree isn't really working out as expected, this is the code that I made:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
//Creating the main structure of the main BST Tree
struct treeNode{
int key; //The key of the node
struct treeNode *leftChild; //The left child of the node
struct treeNode *rightChild; //The right child of the node
struct treeNode *parent; //The parent of the node
//Function for implementing and creating a new node in the BST
struct treeNode* newNode(int x){
struct treeNode *n;
n = malloc(sizeof(struct treeNode));
n->key = x;
n->leftChild = NULL;
n->rightChild = NULL;
n->parent = NULL;
return n;
//Function for finding the minimun value in a treeNode
struct treeNode* BSTTreeMin(struct treeNode *root){
if(root->leftChild == NULL){
return root; //if the left child is nil, return the root
return BSTTreeMin(root->leftChild); //otherwise we repeform the same operation on the left child
//Function for searching a specific node in the BST
struct treeNode* BSTTreeSearch(struct treeNode *root,int x){
if(root == NULL || root->key == x){
return root; //if root corresponds to key then the element x is found
if(x < root->key){
return BSTTreeSearch(root->leftChild, x); // in the case where the element x is smaller than root-->key then it searches the left child
return BSTTreeSearch(root->rightChild, x);// in the opposite case, it searches the right child
//function for inserting a new key in the BST
struct treeNode* BSTTreeInsert(struct treeNode *root, struct treeNode *z){
struct treeNode *y = NULL;
struct treeNode *x = root;
while(x != NULL){
y = x;
if(z->key <= x->key){
x = x->leftChild;
x = x->rightChild;
z->parent = y;
if(y == NULL){
root = z;
else if(root != NULL && z->key <= y->key){
y->leftChild = z;
y->rightChild = z;
struct treeNode* BSTTreeTransplant(struct treeNode *root, struct treeNode *u, struct treeNode *v){
if(u->parent == NULL){
root = v;
else if(u == u->parent->leftChild){
u->parent->leftChild = v;
u->parent->rightChild = v;
if(v != NULL){
v->parent = u->parent;
//function for delete a node in a BST
struct treeNode* BSTTreeDelete(struct treeNode *root, struct treeNode *z){
if(z->leftChild == NULL){
BSTTreeTransplant(root, z, z->rightChild);
else if(z->rightChild == NULL){
BSTTreeTransplant(root, z, z->leftChild);
struct treeNode *y = BSTTreeMin(z->rightChild);
if(y->parent != z){
BSTTreeTransplant(root, y, y->rightChild);
y->rightChild = z->rightChild;
y->rightChild->parent = y;
BSTTreeTransplant(root, z, y);
y->leftChild = z->leftChild;
y->leftChild->parent = y;
//Function for emptying a BST
void BSTTreeDeallocate(struct treeNode *root){
if(root == NULL){
//function that checks if the Bst is valid (antagonistic function)
int isValidBstHelper(struct treeNode *root, int low, int high) {
return root == NULL ||
(root->key >= low && root->key <= high &&
isValidBstHelper(root->leftChild, low, root->key) &&
isValidBstHelper(root->rightChild, root->key, high));
//function that initiate the validity check of the Bst
int isValidBst(struct treeNode *root) {
return isValidBstHelper(root, INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
//Main experiment function for this program, calculating the time for inserting, deleting and searching nodes in our BST
double SingleExperiment(int max_keys,double max_search,double max_delete,int max_instances){
double t_tot = 0;
int i;
int key;
double search;
double delete;
for(i = 1; i <= max_instances; i++){
clock_t start_t, end_t;
struct treeNode *root;
root = newNode(rand()); // Initializing the root of the tree
struct treeNode *i = newNode(rand());
struct treeNode *d = newNode(rand());
start_t = clock();
for(key = 1; key <= max_keys; key++){
BSTTreeInsert(root,i); //Starting with the insertion of the nodes
for(search = 1; search <= max_search; search++){
BSTTreeSearch(root, rand()); //Following by the searching of the nodes
for(delete = 1; delete <= max_delete; delete++){
BSTTreeDelete(root, d); //Finally, the deletion of the nodes
end_t = clock();
double t_elapsed = (double)(end_t - start_t); //Calculation of the time elapased
t_tot += t_elapsed; //Adding the time to the total time
//inorder(root); //checks if the BST is in order --> prints an ordered array
//Checking if the Bst is valid
if (isValidBst(root)) {
printf("The tree is a valid BST \n");
} else {
printf("The tree is NOT a valid BST \n");
BSTTreeDeallocate(root); //Emptying the tree
return t_tot/max_keys; //Returning the average time
//main function (represents the experiment function)
int main(void){
int min_keys = 5;
int max_keys = 10;
int max_instances = 5;
int percentage_search = 60;
int keys;
int seed = 0;
//setting up the main parameters for the experiment
printf("Binary Search Tree \n");
for(keys = min_keys; keys <= max_keys; keys = keys +1){
double max_search = keys * percentage_search / 100;
double max_delete = keys - max_search;
double time = SingleExperiment(keys,max_search,max_delete,max_instances);
printf("%d %f\n",keys,time);//printing the time associate to each key value
seed = seed +1;
return 0;
the outcome should be "the tree is valid" for every iteration and the total time for every single key number. Whenever I launch the program, it only prints out "Binary Search Tree" and nothing else. Could you please kindly help me out?
Thanks in advance to everyone!
The main problem occurs in this loop:
for(key = 1; key <= max_keys; key++){
Ignoring that i
is a bad choice as a variable name for a node (it is already used as the loop variable), this will insert the same node repeatedly. This means that the second iteration of this loop will insert a node that is already in the tree. This will make the node its own child (a self-reference). As a consequence, the third iteration of this loop, will never reach a leaf in the tree, as it keeps following that self-reference, running in circles.
The quick fix is to insert new nodes in each iteration:
for(key = 1; key <= max_keys; key++){
BSTTreeInsert(root, newNode(rand());
Now, this fixes your problem, but still I'd like to remark that the rest of the experiment code is not really doing much useful:
is very, very likely to be called with values that do not occur in the tree, and it is not tested whether indeed the function returns the expected result. But then there should also be positive tests -- to see if values that are in the tree, are actually found.
is called repeatedly with the same node. Moreover, this node was never inserted in the tree, so these calls will never remove any node from the tree.
You might want to improve on that -- but it is out of the scope of your question.