Search code examples

Magento Observer not doing much observing

So this is my first module, so I figured there would be errors. But I am stuck and thought the intelligence of the stack overflow community could help out.

Essentially I want my module to listen for the event of a catalog search index update and perform some code based on that.

So I told magento to recognize my module in:


<?xml version="1.0"?>

Then in: app/local/Nate/SearchToFind/etc/config.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Then in: app/code/local/Nate/SearchToFind/Model/Observer.php

class Nate_SearchToFind_Bundle_Model_Observer
    public function __construct()
    public function beautify_search($observer)
        //perform function operations here

Does anyone spot some errors in my code (I'm sure they are in there) or as my approach as a whole, but I cannot seem to find them...Thanks for the help!


  • Your observer class name is wrong. It should be Nate_SearchToFind_Model_Observer in the PHP class file and the XML observer section.

    Class names in the Zend Framework follow the directory structure. The class prefix you are trying to use, Nate_SearchToFind_Bundle_Model, actually refers to files in app/code/{core,local,community}/Nate/SearchToFind/Bundle/Model, I believe. It needs to be changed to Nate_SearchToFind_Model to reflect your current directory structure.

    You're also defining the class prefix, but not using it. For example, the <class></class> section of the observer section could read <class>natesearchtofindbundle/observer</class>, which would map to Nate_SearchToFind_Model_Observer, assuming you aligned the prefix with your directory structure.