I have created and registered a handler.
# Example code
selectWidgetName.observe(myFunction, 'value')
Then I updated the code of the function and want to re-register it with the same command.
That adds a handler in parallel to the first one, not overwriting the first one.
How can I remove all existing handlers so as to apply a new and only one?
For buttons:
# Remove existing click handler
buttonWidgetName._click_handlers.callbacks = []
# Add our handler
For widgets that use observe:
# Remove existing handler
# not sure if this
# or this
# Add our handler
selectWidgetName.observe(newFunction, 'value')
Thanks to NimSed for the second one.
However, if you try to remove a handler still not present you get
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/traitlets/traitlets.py in _remove_notifiers(self, handler, name, type)
1284 del self._trait_notifiers[name][type]
1285 else:
-> 1286 self._trait_notifiers[name][type].remove(handler)
1287 except KeyError:
1288 pass
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
So we need a way to know the existing handlers attached to the widget, and if present, remove it.
To know all the handlers look into
An example output:
{'comm': {'change': [<traitlets.traitlets.ObserveHandler at 0x7efe05c4e9d0>]},
'index': {'change': [<traitlets.traitlets.ObserveHandler at 0x7efe05bc4090>]},
'label': {'change': [<traitlets.traitlets.ObserveHandler at 0x7efe05bc4290>]},
'options': {'change': [<traitlets.traitlets.ObserveHandler at 0x7efe05c3ef50>]},
'value': {'change': [<traitlets.traitlets.ObserveHandler at 0x7efe05bc4190>,
<function __main__.funct_f1>,
<function __main__.funct_f2>]}}
So putting it all together
# Check if present
if funct_f1 in widget_name._trait_notifiers['value']['change']:
# Remove
wordSelector.unobserve(handler=funct_f1, names='value', type='change')
print("Removed handler")
# Attach
widget_name.observe(handler=funct_f1, names='value', type='change')
print("Attached handler")