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Acumatica - VisibleExp in PXTab with value contain space not working

I work in screen Requests (RQ301000) and I want to hide a tab with the visibleExp property of the PXTab in Aspx.

The condition is : if the field edReqClassID (Request Class) equal "1FG INFO", the tab appears.

So I put DataControls["edReqClassID"].Value==1FG INFO in the visibleExp Field of the Aspx Tab but it doesn't work.

But when I try with edReqClassID equal "2AM" (DataControls["edReqClassID"].Value==2AM), it works.

So I think the problem is on the space caracter and I changed the space caracter by &nbsp in "1FG INFO" but still doesn't work.

Can you help me to show a tab with space in the value (1FG INFO).




  • If the view based on the dac can be completely hidden you can try setting AllowSelect equal to false. When the tab does not contain anything then by default it will be hidden. This also allows you to not have an special logic in the aspx file.


    MyView.AllowSelect = false;

    You can set maybe in constructor on a setup table or rowselected of primary view/dac type.