I would like to export a wordcloud to pdf instead of png in order not to lose quality when zooming in. Is that feasible, since the wordcloud is already a picture itself ?
This is what I tried:
wc = WordCloud(max_font_size=120, max_words= 100, background_color="white", height=600,width=800)
wc = wc.generate_from_frequencies(mdict)
plt.imshow(wc, interpolation='bilinear')
wc.to_file(outputpath + "test.pdf")
But it returns a pdf with a picture in a bitmap format, just like a png picture. I would like to get the picture in a true pdf format (vectorial format).
Edit: wording
By nature of to_file
you get RGB image file (set mode for with or without alpha) however see the to_svg
option since version 1.7.0, you then need of course svg to pdf! (easily done using browser to pdf)
to_array() Convert to numpy array.
to_file(filename) Export to image file.
to_svg([embed_font, optimize_embedded_font, …]) Export to SVG.