I have a table like this on my spice:
schema name deal_id
a 1
a 1
a 2
b 1
b 2
b 3
I need to generate a diagram showing the average number of deals per each schema,
this is what I think should make it work:
avgOver(count({deal_id}), [{schema_name}])
but it doesn't in the dataset I see the column with all 'unavailable' values.
I get the same result with this:
avgOver(countOver({deal_id}, [{schema_name}]), [{schema_name}])
I'm not sure what's the problem,
the calculated result I need for my chart would be like (with the data above):
schema name average number of deals
a 1,5
b 1.0
Choose a visualisation that has a group by field well and put the schema name here, put the deal_id in the value field well and choose the aggregation type of average to achieve what you want