Hi I'm trying to send dynamic data to an external template file using sendgrid like this:
$sendgrid = new SendGrid(getenv('SENDGRID_KEY'));
$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$message_body = file_get_contents('../templates/emails/third-party-booking.php');
->setSubject("Just a subject here")
How do I send $details
to the template, thanks!
If $detail contains some parameters that should be used in your template, you can do it on the $message_body step.
$sendgrid = new SendGrid(getenv('SENDGRID_KEY'));
$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$message_body = file_get_contents('../templates/emails/third-party-booking.php');
// $details = ['name'=>'Jean', 'email'=>'jean@gmail.com'];
// third-party-booking.php content be like
// <html>...%name%.....%email%...</html>
foreach ($details as $parameter => $value) {
$message_body= str_replace('%' . $parameter . '%', $value, $message_body);
->setSubject("Just a subject here")
There are no way to send data to a php file as it does a copy of the file content (see PHP - include a php file and also send query parameters)