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How to remove a subdocument matching a condition from an array of subdocuments in Mongo DB

I have a MongoDB database containing documents in the following format:

  "name": "",
  "surname": "",
  "ssn": "",
  "tests": [
      "date": "",
      "attending": [
          "id": "",
          "role": ""

A document contains, for each person, a list of tests with their relative information. I woud like to remove from each document only the subdocuments (belonging to the tests array) which were performed after a certain date (2019-02-22) and by a certain nurse (id = 0187).

Since all the dates are saved in string format, for date comparison I used the $dateFromString operator in the following way:

"$match": {
  "$expr": {
    "$and": [
      "$gte": [
        { "$dateFromString": { "dateString": "$"}},
        "" : "0187"

However I wasn't able to use the $pull operator to remove the coerresponding subdocuments. Is it possible to do so or is $pull the wrong operator?


  • Query

    • from tests keep only those
    • or
      • date < "2019-02-22"
      • nurse != "0187"
        This way a test to pass it must be in before date or done from another nurse.
    • nurse != "0187" is checked using a path "$" to get all the ids of that test(an array), and test that the intersection with ["0187"] is empty => that nurse didn't do the test.

    *you can use updateOne or updateMany depending on your needs

    *i didn't use $dateFromString if dates have the same format like YYYY-MM-DD comparison will work, but in general save dates in the database, it makes things easier and faster.

    Test code here

           {"input": "$tests",
               [{"$lt": ["$$", "2019-02-22"]},
                  [{"$setIntersection": [["0187"], "$$"]}, []]}]},
            "as": "test"}}}}])