I am given the following bond:
and need to fit the Vasicek model to this data.
My attempt is the following:
# ... imports
years = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10])
pric = np.array([0, .93, .85, .78, .65, .55, .42])
X = sympy.symbols("a b sigma")
a, b, s = X
rt1_rt = np.diff(pric)
ab_rt = np.array([a*(b-r) for r in pric[1:] ])
term = rt1_rt - ab_rt
def normpdf(x, mean, sd):
var = sd**2
denom = (2*sym.pi*var)**.5
num = sym.E**(-(x-mean)**2/(2*var))
return num/denom
pdfs = np.array([sym.log(normpdf(x, 0, s)) for x in term])
func = 0
for el in pdfs:
func += el
func = func.factor()
lmd = sym.lambdify(X, func)
def target_fun(params):
return lmd(*params)
result = scipy.optimize.least_squares(target_fun, [10, 10, 10])
I don't think that it outputs correct solution.
Your code is almost correct.
You want to maximize your function, therefore you need to place minus sign in front of lmd
in your function.
def target_fun(params):
return -lmd(*params)
Additionally, the initial values are usually set to less than 1. Picking 10 is not the best choice as the algorithm might converge to a saddle point.
Consider [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]