We in the process of upgrading from Pylint 2.11.1
to 2.12.1
(released recently) and we're seeing strange behaviour in checking code that passes with the older version. Specifically, we have the following method (sans code but otherwise exactly the code we have so that there can be no doubt there's a cut'n'paste error):
async def run_callback(callback: common_types.AnyCallback) -> None:
"""Run the callback, handles sync and async functions.
This WILL block the event loop if a sync function is called this way.
IF a sync callback needs to be called, it should be wrapped in an
async function and then called with run in executor. This cannot be
done at this level because run_in_executor is a separate thread.
Most async stuff is not thread safe and vice versa, so this is the
minimal abstraction which won't introduce race conditions, the
developer needs to handle it by manually doing a run_in_executor.
def sync_thing():
async def async_thing():
from cmnlibpy import utils
await util.run_callback(sync_thing)
await util.run_callback(async_thing)
sync or async function which will be called
While this is perfectly acceptable to 2.11.1
, the newer version barfs on the parameter despite the fact it's in the docstring:
************* Module blah.blah.blah
blah/blah/blah.py:20:0: W9015: "callback" missing in parameter documentation (missing-param-doc)
I've tried moving it within the docstring, renaming it, and various other things to no avail. If you're concerned about the type, it's defined in an imported item from common_types.py
in the same package:
from typing import Union, Awaitable, Callable
SyncCallback = Callable[[], None]
AsyncCallback = Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]
AnyCallback = Union[SyncCallback, AsyncCallback]
Why is the new PyLint complaining about this? Has it decided to deprecate Google-style parameter specifications?
Further investigation: it appears that the problem doesn't manifest itself when parameter and description are on a single line, such as:
callback: description goes here.
A diff of the GoogleDocstring
regular expressions for parameter lines in extensions/_check_docs_utils.py
seems to indicate it should either be a colon with the description on the same line, or no colon with description on following line:
- \s* (\w+) # identifier
- \s* :
- \s* (?:({GoogleDocstring.re_multiple_type})(?:,\s+optional)?)? # optional type declaration
- \n # description starts on a new line
- \s* (.*) # description
+ \s* (\*{{0,2}}\w+)(\s?(:|\n)) # identifier with potential asterisks
+ \s* (?:({GoogleDocstring.re_multiple_type})(?:,\s+optional)?\n)? # optional type declaration
+ \s* (.*) # optional description
However, the multi-line version didn't seem to work even if I left the :
off the end of the line.
At the request of PyLint developer, I have opened a bug report (see https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/5452 for detail).
It turns out there was an issue with the handling of parameter specifications that crossed multiple lines.
The code uses a regex that always delivers the three components (name, type, and description) but the code had some strangeness that resulted in a situation where neither type nor description was set, meaning the parameter wasn't recorded.
The code responsible was in extensions/_check_docs_utils.py
re_only_desc = re.search(":\n", entry)
if re_only_desc:
param_name = match.group(1)
param_desc = match.group(2)
param_type = None
param_name = match.group(1)
param_type = match.group(2)
param_desc = match.group(3)
I'm not sure why the presence of:\n
is used to decide that the type isn't available but that doesn't seem right. Its presence means that the description is on the following line (nothing to do with missing type) but the fact that you're using \s
means line breaks are treated the same as any other white space in the section so it's irrelevant.
Because the regex used for this captures all three groups whether the type is there or not, if it's not there, the second group (the parameter type) is set to None
and the third group is still the description (it doesn't move to group 2). So the first part of the if
sets both type and description to None
, stopping the variable from being added.
If the code is instead changed into (no if
param_name = match.group(1)
param_type = match.group(2)
param_desc = match.group(3)
then the first test case below still works, and the second one starts working:
first_param: description
Full details at the bug report and pull request, the maintainers were a pleasure to work with to get the fix done and it will hopefully be in 2.12.2
, whenever that appears.
As a workaround, you can just ensure that the entire parameter specification exists on one line, such as with:
""" Doc string goes here.
param: The parameter.