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Xamarin forms WebView cookies cleared when app closed

I have Xamarin Forms WebView app for android. I'm able to use the app perfectly fine on first login. But if i re-open the app WebView cookies clear and user need to login again. I want that the user does not need to log in after they have logged in once, even if they close the application. Here is my code:

 var wbURL = "";
 webrowser.Source = wbURL;


  • On Android, cookies should be stored automatically, unless you delete them manually using a custom renderer.

    For iOS, you can save cookies and restore them later on, something like this:

    Save cookies (Call this method after the user is logged in, this code is placed into the WebView custom renderer):

    public async Task SaveCookies()
        // For iOS < 10, cookies are saved in NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage(), coojies should work withouth this
        if (!UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(11, 0))
            var cookies = await Configuration.WebsiteDataStore.HttpCookieStore.GetAllCookiesAsync();
            var cachedCookies = cookies.Select(c => new Cookie(c.Name, c.Value, c.Path, c.Domain)
                    Secure = c.IsSecure,
                    Version = Convert.ToInt32(c.Version)
                //TODO: Save the cachedCookies into app cache. You can create a service in the shared project
        catch (Exception e)

    Restore cookies (Call this in the WebView custom renderer OnElementChanged method):

    var store = WKWebsiteDataStore.NonPersistentDataStore;
    await RestoreCookies(store);
    private async Task RestoreCookies(WKWebsiteDataStore store)
        // For iOS < 10, cookies are saved in NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage(), coojies should work withouth this
        if (!UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(11, 0))
        if (store == null)
        await ClearCookies(store);
        var storedCookies = //TODO: Retreive cookies from where you sotred them
        foreach (Cookie cookie in storedCookies)
            await store.HttpCookieStore.SetCookieAsync(new NSHttpCookie(cookie));
    private async Task ClearCookies(WKWebsiteDataStore store)
        var cookies = await store.HttpCookieStore.GetAllCookiesAsync();
        if (cookies?.Any() ?? false)
            foreach (NSHttpCookie cookie in cookies)
                await store.HttpCookieStore.DeleteCookieAsync(cookie);

    EDIT: If you have problems on Android as well, try this code in your WebView custom renderer:

     var cookieManager = CookieManager.Instance;
     cookieManager.Flush(); // Forces cookie sync