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Why is the component only created twice?

I have a separate module with a routing module imported into it, in which the routes look like:

    const routes: Routes = [
        path: '',
        children: [
                path: 'orders',
                component: MainComponent,
                children: [
                        path: '',
                        component: OrdersComponent,
                        pathMatch: 'full',
                        path: ':orderNumber',
                        component: OrdersComponent,

this.location: Location, this.router: Router - Angular services

Reproduction steps:

  1. Use this.router.navigateByUrl('/orders'); - we see the OrdersComponent component (to make sure the component is initialized, I added a message in the console to the component's constructor).
  2. Use this.router.navigateByUrl('/orders/12345'); - we see the same OrdersComponent component (The message appeared in the console again, i.e. the component OrdersComponent has been initialized again).
  3. Use this.location.replaceState('/orders');
  4. Use this.router.navigateByUrl('/orders/98765'); - we don't see messages in the console => component constructor not called.

My question is: Why, when repeating steps 3 and 4 (The order numbers can be any), the component is created only for steps 1 and 2 and never again? But if replace this.location.replaceState('/orders'); from Step3 with this.router.navigateByUrl('/orders');, then the constructor will be called on each repetition of steps 3 and 4?


  • Angular is reusing the component and is only initializing the component when navigating to a route, which you have not been at before. When navigating to a route you have already been at, the component is reused.

    If you have to run a specific function either look for another place to put your function call than In the constructor. Maybe take a look at angular lifecycle

    Or maybe make a subscription to ActivatedRoute and run your function every time the Route changes.