How I can do or generate a migration with a foreign key? I have municipios
table, and I want to relate with the table ciudades
, the table will have these fields: nombre_id
(name id), nombre
(name), departamento
(department) in this case how I can run the scaffold script to generate the foreign key migration?
If you mean that you want to create the migration file the command is
rails generate migration NAME [field:type field:type] [options]
or shortcut
rails g migration NAME [field:type field:type] [options]
But if you want to create a scaffold from model that referencing other model. Maybe you could do it like this
create ciudades model with scaffold
rails g scaffold ciudades nombre_id:integer nombre:integer departamento:string
create municipios model that reference ciudades
rails g scaffold municipios ciudades:references
this will create attribute ciudades_id on the municipios table. The migration should look like this.
class CreateMunicipios < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :municipios do |t|
t.references :ciudades
def self.down
drop_table :municipios
also on the municipios model it will create the belongs_to
but this does not update the cuidades
model. You have to specify the relation.
Also keep in mind that rails automatically create id field on a model. it is the convention. if you mean that nombre_id is the primary key, you have to specify it your self.
Hope this help