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How to improve my query performance SQL Server

I have a temp table inside my procedure which joins with another temp table and it seems taking some time to run. Could anyone suggest how to speedup this.

Below is my piece of code:

    declare @installs table
        UserName varchar(200),
        DeviceName varchar(500),
        FirstSeenDate datetime

    insert into @installs
    SELECT  [Username] 
          ,[Device Name]
          ,min([First Seen]) as 'Install Date'
      FROM [DataCollection].[dbo].[iBoss_Installed_Users]
      where [Device Type] not like '%Server%'
      group by [Device Name], Username

    declare @installs_User table
        UserName varchar(200),
        InstalledDate varchar(max)


    insert into @installs_User
    select main.UserName,
            left(main.installs,len(main.installs)-1) as "Installs"
        select distinct ins2.UserName,
                select convert(varchar(200),ins.FirstSeenDate)+', ' as [text()]
                from @installs ins
                where ins.UserName=ins2.UserName
                order by ins.Username
                for XML PATH('')
            ) [installs]
            from @installs ins2


  • I would avoid using a table variable or temporary table, and instead use a common table expression. I'd also use GROUP BY rather than DISTINCT, so the optimiser knows it doesn't have to try de-duplicating your list of dates...

    declare @installs_User table
        UserName varchar(200),
        InstalledDate varchar(max)
        installs AS
        SELECT [Username] 
              ,[Device Name]
              ,min([First Seen]) as 'Install Date'
        FROM [DataCollection].[dbo].[iBoss_Installed_Users]
        where [Device Type] not like '%Server%'
        group by [Device Name], Username
    insert into
    SELECT main.UserName
          ,left(main.installs,len(main.installs)-1) as "Installs"
                select convert(varchar(200),ins.FirstSeenDate)+', ' as [text()]
                from installs ins
                where ins.UserName=ins2.UserName
                order by ins.Username
                for XML PATH('')
            ) [installs]
            installs ins2
        GROUP BY