Using the function below gives me this result:
[1637971200000, '53756.29000000', '53859.31000000', '53747.77000000', '53853.57000000', '16.49892000', 1637971259999, '887949.68081540', 639, '12.00163000', '645905.65329110', '0']
client.get_historical_klines("BTCBUSD", Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, "27 Nov, 2021 00:00:00","27 Nov, 2021 00:00:59")
If I compare with the graph at the same date, candle doesn't match.
Where did I go wrong? Thanks
It is because you are looking at the wrong candle. Your picture reveals that you are in UTC+1, so you have to look at 01:00 to see the correct handle