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NGRX effect does not see the full state as it is in the store

I have a form that is divided in several sub-forms, each has its own submit button that dispatches an action, that calls my reducer. My the formdata in the store looks like this (example)

myData {
   propA1?: string,
   propA2?: string,
   propB1?: string,
   propB1?: string,

and my reducer looks like this

const myDataReducer = createReducer(
  on(FormActions.setData, (state, action) => ({

Both forms dispatch an action

this.dispatch(FormActions.setData({ data}));

And in my devtools I see the data in the store. So far so good. The next thing I want to do is create an effect that also listens to FormActions.setData so I can call an api when the formdata is complete. I created this effect:

readonly getCalculation$ = createEffect(() =>
      switchMap(([{ data}]) => {
        console.log(data);  // this logs only partial data
        return this.service.getCalculation(data).pipe(
          map((response) => calculationActions.getCalculationSuccess({ response: response })),
          catchError((error) => {
            console.warn('error in getcalculation', error);
            return EMPTY;

What I wanted to achieve is that this effect calls my calculation service with the full data. But when subform A is submitted the data in the effect only has 'A' properties, and the same for subform B.

I expected that .withLatestFrom( I would get the complete data. I see the complete data in the store in my devtools, but somehow my effect does not have see all properties.

I use Angular9 with NgRx 9


  • That's because myData is the data that exists on the action. You have to pick the second item in the array, that's the result of the selector.

    //         👇 skip the action
    //             👇 pluck the data from selector result
    switchMap(([_, data])