I have the following code:
with cte as (
select projectNum,
[1] as L1A,
[2] as L2A,
[3] as L3A,
[4] as L4A,
[5] as L5A
from (
select d.projectNum, d.createdDate, d.dateId
from (
select dd.rn as dateId, dd.createdDate, dd.projectNum
from (
select ProjectNum, format(CreatedDate,'MM/dd/yyy') as 'CreatedDate', row_number() over (partition by projectNum order by createdDate asc) rn
from DWCorp.SSMaster m
INNER JOIN DWCorp.SSDetail d ON d.MasterId = m.Id WHERE ActionId = 7 and projectnum = 'obel00017'
) dd
where rn <= 5
-- order by 3, 1
) d
) as src
pivot (
for dateId in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])
) as pvt)
select * from cte
Which returns:
When I run this query, which the above query is based on:
select ProjectNum, format(CreatedDate,'MM/dd/yyy') as 'CreatedDate', LevelId
from DWCorp.SSMaster m
INNER JOIN DWCorp.SSDetail d ON d.MasterId = m.Id WHERE ActionId = 7 and ProjectNum = 'obel00017'
and LevelId in (1,2,3,4,5)
It returns:
I need the result to be in the correct columns. L1A should not have a value in it, and everything should shift one to the right. Not sure why this is happening. Example of how it should look below.
The pivot query is calculating a row_number for the column.
But you already got that LevelId.
So replace it.
, [1] as L1A
, [2] as L2A
, [3] as L3A
, [4] as L4A
, [5] as L5A
, format(CreatedDate,'MM/dd/yyyy') as CreatedDate
, LevelId
from DWCorp.SSMaster m
join DWCorp.SSDetail d on d.MasterId = m.Id
where ActionId = 7
and projectnum = 'obel00017'
and LevelId <= 5
) as src
for LevelId in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])
) as pvt