Immediately below is a function that creates a sample document and inserts three tables into it. The three existing tables appear in the log as [Table, Table, Table], with a correct count of 3. How do I "access" or "select" these tables for editing? I'd like to receive from someone the code that's needed to add a row at the end of table 1, and then the code to delete table 2. If I understand that, I think I'll have what I need.
function create_edit_delete_table() {
// Create sample table and get id
var docId = DocumentApp.create('SAMPLE_DOCUMENT').getId();
// Get doc body
var body = DocumentApp.openById(docId).getBody();
// Create a two-dimensional array containing the cell contents.
var cells = [
['Row 1, Cell 1', 'Row 1, Cell 2'],
['Row 2, Cell 1', 'Row 2, Cell 2']
// Build three tables from the array and insert into document.
var tables = DocumentApp.openById(docId).getBody().getTables();
var tables_ct = DocumentApp.openById(docId).getBody().getTables().push();
//Looking for code to add a blank row to the end of first table.
//Looking for code to delete the second table.
To append empty row to table 1. Use this:
function appendRow() {
var body = DocumentApp.openById("doc id").getBody();
var tables = body.getTables();
var firstTable = tables[0].appendTableRow();
To delete the 2nd table in the doc. Use this:
function deleteTable(){
var body = DocumentApp.openById("doc id").getBody();
var tables = body.getTables();
Note: The sequence of the Table Object in getTables()
array are based on the position of the table in your Docs (top to bottom) and 0 is the starting index.
After executing appendRow():
After executing deleteTable():