I am creating a telegram bots that can generate and decrypt QRcodes. I implemented the creation of a QR code using BytesIO:
#bot creating a qrcode
def creating_qr(message):
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Enter text and ill generate QRcode')
def creating_qr(message):
qr_img = qrcode.make(message.text)
bio = BytesIO()
qr_img.save(bio, 'JPEG')
bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, bio)
I tried to decrypt qrcode using the same method, but the ApiTelegramBot documentation says photo
is a list so I can't save it in a BytesIO. How can I save photo
and then decrypt it?
Method that I tried:
def decrypting(message):
detector = cv2.QRCodeDetector()
qr_image = message.photo
bio = BytesIO()
qr_image.save(bio, 'JPEG')
data = detector.detectAndDecode(bio)
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, f'QR code data: \n\n{data}')
I haven't used the API myself, but Pyhton and Telegram :) A message can have multiple photos. So I guess you get a list of photos. In order to select the first photo, change your code like so:
qr_image = message.photo[0]